Be a Volunteer

Supporting Mitra Jyothi as volunteers is an easy and fulfilling way to give back to society. We need the support of volunteers all year round for various activities. One can be an individual volunteer or be a group of volunteers. Please note that in the case of groups, we limit the group size to 10 volunteers at a time. Any number higher than that is not conducive to optimal operation. Also due to operational challenges, we are not encouraging remote volunteering.

Here is a list of possible areas where one can support as a volunteer at Mitra Jyothi.

Educational Resource Centre (throughout the year) – eText/Audio/Braille Generic Activities (throughout the year)
Book scanning Content creation
Book Editing and Conversion Preparation of Case Studies
Data Maintenance Creation of marketing media in various audio/visual formats
Braille Printing and Binding Database updates
Packaging and Shipment Gardening support
Enablement Support (on need basis) Housekeeping support – Activities like book keeping, window cleaning, filing
Spoken English classes Support fund raising
Personality development classes
Soft skills training

Volunteers are our pillars of support! Click here to register to be our volunteer and we will call you shortly! Thank you for reaching out to Mitra Jyothi!